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Vite vs Webpack



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Today we’ll compare Vite vs Webpack, these are both great bundlers but each has it’s own advantages and you might want to use one or the other in different situations.

What is Vite?

Vite is a lightweight development server that is designed to be fast and easy to use. It uses native ES modules in the browser, which allows for instant development builds and hot module replacement. This makes it a good choice for small projects or projects that don’t require a lot of complex configuration.

Vite also has built-in support for features like TypeScript, JSX, and CSS pre-processors. It also has a plugin system that allows developers to add custom functionality.

In general, Vite is a development tool that aims to provide a simple and fast development experience, without the need for complex configuration or build processes. It’s designed to be easy to use and highly performant, making it a good choice for small to medium sized projects.

What is Webpack?

Webpack is a JavaScript module bundler. It is a tool that takes in multiple JavaScript files and combines them into a single file (or a few files) that can be loaded by a browser. It also allows developers to process and transform other types of files, such as CSS, images and fonts, with the help of loaders.

Webpack uses a configuration file, typically named webpack.config.js, to define how to build and bundle the project. This configuration file allows developers to specify the entry point of the application, the output location, and any transformations or optimizations that should be applied to the code.

Webpack also has a plugin system that allows developers to add custom functionality, such as code optimization, code splitting, and minification.

Webpack is a more powerful and versatile tool than Vite, it can handle a wide variety of use cases, from small and simple projects to large and complex projects, it also can be used to optimize and minify the code for production use. It can also be integrated with other tools such as Babel, TypeScript, and ESLint to provide a complete development environment.

Vite vs Webpack, how to pick one?

This will depend on the proyect at hand, for most proyects Vite will be the answer because of its simplicity. For larger more complex proyects Webpack will be the one because of its high versatility but obviously that comes with its own complexity.

I could be wrong and Vite might be good for large and complex projects, but I just talk from experience so feel free to leave a comment, lets discuss this further.